


y name is Matthew Spong, and I would like to welcome you to my library. Actually, I would not like to welcome you to my library. You may not enter my library or borrow any of my books. If I found you in my library you would probably disappear and never be seen again. However, you are welcome to browse this website and enjoy whatever documents and resources I decide to upload here.

Here you will find links to several social networks I bother with, and some various ephemera from my digital youth, curiosities entertaining mainly for their quaint antiquity rather than their skill or artistic value. Also several books which may be of interest to scholars, and which I found amusement in scanning and converting into various formats. There are some juvenile attempts at creative writing which I provide more for self mortification from embarrassment, to prevent myself from ever attempting such things again. Possibly some instructional receipts, mostly very simple things which one can make or build entirely by oneself.

Before you continue, I would like to confess a few matters which may prevent you from wasting your time