 HE whole coast of England is more or less picturesque - especially the rock-bound and sublime coast of Cornwall and the Devon coast. Babbacombe Bay is one of the lovely spots on that of South Devon. Here bold and richly tinted rocks surround the blue waters, as if embracing the sea, and the yellow sands bring Ariel's song to mind:
while over every peak of rocky cliff ivy and lichen climb, and in every cranny are ferns and wild flowers.
An open sea, too, lies before us, and the extreme beauty of sea and shore charms the gazer.
Babbacombe is a suburb now of Torquay; and there are pleasant villas there on the top of the cliff, separated from too near neighbourhood to the height by a wide tier of walls. A road runs down to the shore.
The sea view from Babbacombe extends to Lyme Regis, and is very fine. The little port of the bay, called Petit Tor, is at the north of it, and the rocks round and near it are of bright red sandstone. The pure bracing air and lovely scene make Babbacombe a spot to be sought and remembered.
A short walk over the cliffs leads from Babbacombe to Anstey's Cove. This is a most lovely spot, with rocks around it vividly tinted, and a promontory to the left of marble in jagged peaks, the work of the billows. Opposite, on the right, is a wooded and lofty hill.
One can scarcely gaze at the ocean from these lovely shores without thinking of Shakspeare's exquisite lines on England -