The Worx

In the late eighties JJJ FM produced a series of radio shows called The Works, or The Worx in some listings. John Jacobs, Tony Barrel and Graeme Graeme Bartlett were the instigators, and they brought in a number of other psychotronic noise artists mainly from the 2MBS "Contemporary Collective" (which is what that station called the shows which were not classical music) such as Jaimie Leonarder, Terry Brown, Ric Rue and others.

What they created was a maximal melange of inputs, apparently by commandeering every studio at JJJ, setting up the artists to play whatever they wanted, and mixing all the sources through a master board to go to broadcast. This was interspersed with the occasional vox pop and interview. A worthy and unique experiment and very daring for a station on the brink of going national.

This is not a definitive record of the show, merely the ones I managed to capture.

Tape 1

Side A:
Side B:

Tape 2

Side A:
Side B:

Tape 3

Side A:
Side B:

Tape 4

Side A:
Side B:

Tape 5

Side A:
Side B:

Tape 6

Side A:
Side B (Ric Rue documentary):

More Worx material

Side A: