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The Great National Field Trial of Mowers and Reapers held at Auburn, N. Y., in July, 1868, under the patronage of the Legislature and supervision of the New York State Agricultural Society, was the most thorough and extensive ever held in this country. Fifty-nine machines were entered for competition, and over two weeks occupied in subjecting the machines to every variety of severe tests. The Legislature of the State appropriated $5000 towards the expenses and premiums.The Committee of Judges was composed of practical and scientific agriculturists,* and included some of the first men of the State. The following synopsis of their report will be found to embody the main results of their investigation, and cannot fail of being of great use to Farmers. Invitations were extended to all the prominent Agricultural Implement Makers of the country. The following points were to be considered and determined by the Committee on trial.
1. Which is the cheapest machine.
2. The most simple in its construction.
3. The most durable.
4. Which requires the least power.
5. Which has the least side-draught.
All of which is to be determined, and the capacity to perform a given amount of work in a workmanlike manner, in a given time, in the most economical way.
6. Which does the most work in the least time.
7. Which does the best work.
8. Which is managed with the most facility.
When the Judges have determined the above questions, they will proceed to decide which of the machines is best adapted to the use of the farmer by having the greatest number of merits and the fewest defects.
No exhibitor shall furnish other machines for trial than those which they habitually furnish from their shops to their customers.
The following were the class divisions for entry of MOWERS and REAPERS.
No. 1. Mowing machine for two horses.
No. 2. Reaping machines, (hand-rakers.)
No. 2 1/2. Self-rakers.
No. 3. Combined mowers and reapers, (hand-rakers.)
No. 4. Combined reapers, with self-raking or dropping attachment.
No. 5. Combined reapers for use as self-rakers, or hand-rakers, as may be preferred.
No. 6. One-horse mowers.
The Society's large gold medal (costing $75 or more) as first premium. For the second premium, a cash prize of $25.The mowing and reaping fields were each of one acre in extent, and to be chosen by lot.
Explanation. - Assuming that 40 to represent the best work that can be done; No. 30, as representing the best work that can be done with a band-scythe; No. 20, as inferior work to any that would be tolerated by a respectable farmer. The gradations of work to be expressed by numbers intermediate to these. Standard speed, one hour per acre.
D. M. Osborne & Co., Auburn, New York. No. 1 Mower.
"Cut uneven and not very close." Time, 54 minutes; quality mark, 33.D. M. Osborne & Co. Entry No. 2. One mower, (large,) entered also as No. 27, 37, 48, and 19.
Lot No. 7, hilly, time, 50 minutes; quality, 37. "Worked smoothly and well."
No. 48, hilly; time, 48 minutes; quality, 32.C. C. Bradley & Son, Syracuse. Entry No. 3. One "Hubbard" mower, "well done;" time, 61 min., quality, 37.
E. F. Herrington, Valley Falls, N. Y. No. 4. One Eagle mower. Same as entry No. 29.
Lot No. 20, stony and weedy; cut close; time, 58 minutes, quality, 38.J. D. Wilber, Poughkeepsie. No. 5. One Eureka mower; cut well against the lay of the clover; not well with it; time, 44 1/2 minutes; quality mark, 25.
J. D. Wilber. No. 6. One Eureka mower, (large,) time, 35 minutes; mark, 20; joints hot.
Peekskill Manufacturing Co. No. 7. One Clipper mower, (invented by R. Dutton.) Cut uneven, but well laid; time 43 minutes; quality, 30.
Walter A. Wood, Hoosick Falls. No. 8. One mower. Lot bad to cut, stony, clover tall, cut tolerably well; time, 49 1/2 minutes; quality mark, 29.
Dow & Fowler, Fowlersville. No. 9. One Yankee mower. Cutting uneven, noisy, and bearings hot, time, 46 minutes, quality, 28.
Adriance, Platt & Co., Poughkeepsie. No. 10. One No. 2 Buckeye mower. Lot much trodden down; time, 55 1/2 minutes; cut even and neatly; quality, 40.
American Agricultural Works, New York. No. 11. One Columbian Junior Mower. Lot easy to cut; time, 66 minutes; quality, 37; very noisy.
Dodge & Stevenson, Manufacturing Co., Auburn. No. 12. One No. 2 Iron Mower, Ohio and Buckeye Patents combined. (Dodge's Patent.) Time, 61 1/2 minutes; quality, 29; cutting irregular.
C. A. Wheeler, Jr., Auburn. No. 13. One mower, (A); No. 14. One mower, (B); No. 15. One mower, (C); No. 16. One mower (D).
No. 13, (A,) cut well but not close; time 44 min.; quality, 32.
No. 14, (B.) cutting irregular; time, 48 1/2 min.; quality, 37.
No. 15, (C,) cutting fair; time, 44 min.; quality, 36.
No. 16, (D,) cutting good; time, 44 1/2 min.; quality, 35.W. H. Halladay, Auburn. No. 17. One American Mower; cut close; time, 68 minutes; quality, 33.
Rhode Island Clipper Mower Co., Newport. No 18. One two-horse Harvest Clipper Mower, (invented by B. Dutton.) Stubble long; time 55 minutes; quality, 32; bearings cool.
C. R. Brinckerhoff. No. 18 1/2. One mower, cutting bad; time, 53; quality, 22.
D. M. Osborne & Co., Auburn, No. 19. One Reaper (handrake); "work good, not a fault to be found;" ten sheaves were bound in 4 min., time 64 min.; quality, 40.C. Wheeler, jr., Auburn. No. 20. One Reaper (handrake).
C. R. Brinckerhoff, Rochester. No. 21. One Reaper (self-rake).C. C. Bradley & Son, Syracuse. No. 22. One Syracuse (self-raking) Reaper, time 48 min.; mark
Walter A. Wood, Hoosick Falls. No. 23. One Reaper, self-raking (chain-rake). No. 24. One Reaper (sweep-rake); same entry as No. 40.
No. 23. Not cut close; time 47 and 55 min.; quality, 28 and 35.
No. 24. Field good; tolerably well cut; time 48 min.; quality, 35.Stephen Hull, Poughkeepsie. No. 25. One Reaper (selfrake), withdrawn.
N. A. Dederer Greene. No. 26. One Reaper {self-raker); did not arrive.
D. M. Osborne & Co., Auburn. No. 27. One Reaper (selfrake).
Seymour, Morgan d; Allen. No. 27 1/2 One Reaper (selfrake).
D. M. Osborne & Co., No. 28. One combined Mower and Reaper; time 55 min.; quality, 38.E. F. Herrington, Valley Falls, N. Y. No. 29. One Eagle Combined Machine, same as entry No. 40, except that it now has a pinion changed; stubble long, bearings cool; time 62 min.; quality, 35.
Walter A. Wood, Hoosick Falls. No. 30. One Combined Mower and Reaper (hand-rake), field good, stubbles left high; time 46 min.; quality, 19.
Adriance, Platt & Co., Poughkeepsie. No. 31. One No. 1 Buckeye combined. Cutting bad; time 51 min., quality, 30. Driver unskilful.
Aultman, Miller & Co., Akron, O., No. 32. One Buckeye combined. Lot bad to cut, machine noisy and imperfectly geared; time 51 min.; quality, 38. Bearings cool.
Dodge & Stevenson Manufacturing Co., Auburn. No. 33. One Combined Machine (Dodge pat.) No. 2, wood frame.
C. Wheeler, jr., Auburn. No. 34. One Combined Machine (hand-rake). G. No. 35, One Combined (hand-rake) H. No. 34 (3. time 39 min., quality 35.
No. 35 H. Field stony and bad; cutting even; time 45 min.; quality, 36.
D. M. Osborne & Co., Auburn, No. 36. One Combined Machine. Field rough, stubble even; time 46 min.; quality, 35.Walter A. Wood, Hoosick Falls. No. 39. One Combined Machine (self-rake.) No. 40. One Combined Machine (selfrake.)
Aultman, Miller & Co., Akron, O. No. 41. One Buckeye combined (self-rake.) Good field, cutting good; time 65 min.; quality, 38. All the Buckeyes leave the grass in good condition for drying.
Williams, Wallace & Co., Syracuse. No. 42. One No. 1 Hubbard Machine (Syracuse self-rake) No. 43. One No. 2 Hubbard Machine (Syracuse self-rake).
No. 43, work good; time 57 min.; quality, 38; bearings cool; good mower in all respects.Seymour, Morgan & Allen, Brockport. No. 44. One New York Combined Machine (self-rake). Field good, cutting irregular; time 38; quality 35.
C. Wheeler, jr., Auburn. No. 45. One Combined Machine (self-raking attachment). No. 46. One Combined Machine (dropping attachment.)
Entry No. 45, I. Cayuga Chief, not closely cut; time 48 min.; quality 34, journal cool.
No. 46, Cayuga Chief, J. A bad field to cut; time 37 min.; quality 30, bearings hot.
W. H. Halladay, Auburn. No. 47. One Marsh's Combined Machine (self-rake). No. 47 1/2, Marsh's Valley Chief.
No. 47. Field stony; cut uneven; time 46 min.; quality 28.
D. M. Osborne & Co., Auburn. No. 48. One Combined Machine. No. 49. One Combined. No. 50. One Combined.American Agricultural Works, N. Y. No. 51, one Columbian Machine (hand and self-raker). Field bad, cutting very bad, time 57 minutes; quality, 26.
Dodge & Stevenson Manufacturing Co., Auburn. No. 52, one Dodge's patent combined Machine (self or hand-raker), wood frame, No. 1. No. 53, one Dodge's patent combined Machine (self or hand-rake), iron frame, No. 1.
No. 52, stubble not well cut, time 56 min., quality, 29. No. 53, field good, time 43 min., quality, 32.
The above machines unite the patents of the Buckeye and the Ohio mowers, having the gearing of the former and the movable shoe of the latter. Both well approved machines everywhere, and have done good work. It is strange that machines combining the best features of both patents should make so poor a record as these have done upon this field.
C. Wheeler, Jr., No. 54, one combined machine self or hand-rake, (K.) No. 55, the combined machine as dropper or hand-rake, (L.\
No. 54, Cayuga Chief, K. Cutting not good; time 54 min.; quality 30.
No. 55, Cayuga Chief, L. Field rocky; time 43 min., quality, 30.
Twelve of the Cayuga Chiefs were entered, all agreeing in general structure though not in minor details, they attracted much attention, but as a whole they did not appear well in the clover lots.
D. M. Osborne & Co., Auburn, No. 56, (one-horse mower.) Field good, well cut; time 64 minutes; quality, 35.The work done by the machine of D. M. Osborne & Co., was done with tolerable uniformity, the average mark for quality of work being 34-36. The average time exclusive of the one-horse Machine was 51 minutes. The machines were all remarkable for the steadiness of their motion and freedom from noise.
R. L. Allen, N. Y. No. 57, one one-horse mower
C. Wheeler jr., Auburn, N. Y., No. 58, one one-horse Mower F. Cayuga Chief, cutting good; time 30 min.; quality, 34.
Pony Clipper (invented by R. Dutton.)
R. Dutton, Brooklyn, No. 59, one one-horse gleaner mower (invented by R. Dutton.)
Trial of July 29th. - (Same Machines.)
Twenty machines made a trial upon lots of very irregular surface, which had not been ploughed for many years; the general surface was level, but broken up with many deep hollows and having a thick growth of sedges and rushes. The prevailing herbage was red top, blue-grass, and fowl meadow; it was the hardest test for action in rough ground that could be found in the vicinity. The following is the result; the marks for quality of work were 1 to 40, the latter number indicating perfect work.
Quality of work. Seymour, Morgan & Allen, No. 44
The divider of this machine pressed down the grass, some of which was not cut off at the next round.39 Cayuga Chief, D, No. 16 37 Cayuga Chief, A, No. 13 37 Dodge, Stevenson & Co., No. 52 (wood) 37 Dodge, Stevenson & Co., No. 53 (iron)
A spike projecting from the ground was half severed by this machine37 D. M. Osborne & Co., 37 C. C. Bradley & Son, No. 3 38 Williams, Wallace & Co., No. 43. 38 Walter A. Wood, No. 8 40 E. F. Herrington, No. 4.
Herrington's Eagle was remarkable for its easy adaptation of its bar to the steep sides of hollows, in one case mowing with it sloping downward at an angle of 40 degrees.37 Rhode Island Clipper, No. 18 40 Adriance, Platt & Co., No. 10 40 Dow & Fowler, No. 9 31 Aultman, Miller & Co., No. 32 38 Wm. H. Halladay, No. 17
Some dry grass caught on the ends of his fingers which prevented him from cutting clean for about 20 rods.37 R. L. Allen, Pony Clipper, No. 57 36 James S. Marsh, No. 47 1/2 38 J. D. Wilber, No. 6 30 "Those who had been present at the former great trials, held by the society were astonished at the general perfection which had been attained by the manufacturers of mowing-machines. Every machine, with two exceptions, did good work, which would be acceptable to any farmer, and the appearance of the whole meadow after it had been raked over, was as good as it could be, and vastly better than the average mowing of the best farmers in the State, notwithstanding the great difficulties which they had to encounter. At previous trials most of the machines would clog more or less, and some of them so frequently that they were of no practical value. At this trial, not a single instance of clogging was observed either in clover or fine grass.
"At previous trials, very few machines could stop in the grass and start without backing for a fresh start. At the present trial every machine stopped in the grass and started again without backing without any difficulty, and without leaving any perceptible ridge to mark the place where it occurred. We look upon these facts with pride and pleasure, as showing the great success which has attended the efforts of our mechanics to meet the requirements of the farmer, and we have good reason to believe that the experiments made at Auburn will lead to still greater advances in the path of progress.
"Four machines were allowed to work at once, marked stakes being driven down at their entrance; they cut entirely around the lot, passing through all the different kinds of bottom and of grass, and into all the gullies and hollows. Then four more succeeded them, and so on in groups of four, until all had gone round. Then each machine cut a double swath across the lot. After this the whole number of machines were put in motion at once, until both meadows were cut down. In this way the path of each machine could be traced without difficulty through its entire length, and the work of each, under very different circumstances, could be accurately compared."
The wheat field was divided into thirty lots, of one acre each, the bottom generally smooth, tolerably level, and the grain (Mediterranean) stood up very well.Walter A. Wood, entry No. 30, with a hand-raker. The gavels were twisted at the bottom from the left-hand corner towards the right. The binders bound ten of these gavels in 6 minutes. Time of cutting 49 minutes. Mark for quality of work, 33.
D. M. Osborne, No. 27, using a reel and sweep rake. There is a want of a proper divider. The rake draws forwards some of the last cut straw, and in its next sweep this is twisted in raking. The twist is from the left-hand corner towards the right, and in the lower part of the gavel the twist is less than on the top, but what there is, is in the opposite direction. The binders bound ten bundles in 4 minutes. Time of cutting 53 1/2 minutes. Mark for quality of work, 33.
Cayuga Chief, J. No. 46, with a dropping attachment. The lower part of the gavel is drawn forward and somewhat twisted as it falls. It requires six men to keep up with the machine who occasionally fall behind with their work in bad places. The binders bound ten of these sheaves in 5 minutes. Time of cutting, 57 min. Mark for quality of work, 32.
D. M. Osborne & Co., No. 19, hand-raker. The work is as good as can be done. Not a fault could be found with it in any way. Ten sheaves were bound in 4 minutes, 3 seconds. Time of cutting 64 1/2 minutes. Quality of work, 40.
Lot No. 5 was cut by Dodge, Stevenson &; Co. No. 33, (wood), hand raker. The grain in this lot was lodged in one or two places. One man drove and raked, the sickle being set almost low enough for mowing. The gavels are crossed, the bottom towards the right and the top towards the left. Ten bundles bound in 5 minutes. Time 66 1/2 minutes. Quality of work, 30.
Lot No. 6 was not a good one for reaping. It was cut by Adriance, Platt & Co., No. 31, hand raker. It was cut the wrong way and a good deal of the lodged was left upon the ground. It was thrown off the platform with a fork instead of a rake. The gavels were not very good. Time 47 minutes. Quality of work, 31.
D. M. Osborne & Co., No. 36, with reel and sweep rake. Time 53 1/2 minutes. Work, 34.
Aultman, Miller & Co., with a dropper. The gavels unevenly laid. Ten sheaves bound in 5 minutes. Time, 58 minutes. Quality of work, 32.
D. M. Osborne & Co., No. 37, with the combined rake and reel, or Burdick self-rake. The gavels were rather better than those made by his sweep rake. Time, 68 1/2 minutes. Work, 34.
W. A. Wood, No. 23, with a chain rake. The gavels were tolerably well laid. Time, 47 minutes. Work, 35. Binders were four minutes in binding ten sheaves.
D. M. Osborne, No. 48, with a hand rake. The work excellent in all respects. Time, 39 1/2 minutes. Work, 40.
W. A. Wood, No. 40, with a sweep rake. The cutting was very good, but the gavels not as well laid as the chain rake. Time, 52 minutes. Work, 35.
Mr. Osborne and other exhibitors protest against W. A. Wood's chain and sweep rake being admitted into the class of combined machines, on the ground that they are never sold or used as such.
D. M. Osborne & Co., No. 36, with the same that cut No. 11, now working with a sweep rake and a reel. Time, 53 minutes. Work, 34
Dodge, Stevenson & Co., No. 53 with iron frame and combined rake and reel, or Marsh's self-rake. He came in collision with a stump and bent the guard finger. The gavels are badly scattered in front of the platform, the gavel does not all drop at once, but is dragged forward. Time, 53 minutes. Work, 34
W. A. Wood's revolving rake, No. 24. Binders make ten sheaves in 4 minutes, 20 seconds. Gavels very large. Time, 57 1/2 minutes. Work, 36.
Williams, Wallace & Co's Hubbard Machine No. 42, with Johnson's rake. Gavels laid straight and compact; no scattering; the swath between the gavels very clean. The binders make ten of the sheaves in 4 minutes, 12 seconds. Time, 52 1/2 minutes. Work, 39.
C. Wheeler, Jr., Cayuga Chief, R. No. 54. Half the lot as a hand-raker, and the other half as a self-raker. The gavels were badly twisted and the straw was scattered between the gavels. Time, 56 minutes, 32 seconds. Work, 28.
Columbian machine, self rake, No. 51. There was some lodged grain in the lot which it cut very well, but the gavels were strangely twisted, and the work as a whole was poor. Time, 57 minutes. Work, 31.
C. C. Bradley & Son No. 22, with Johnson's rake. The gavels admirably laid. Time, 48 1/2 minutes. Quality of work, 39.
C. Wheeler, Jr. Cayuga Chief, G. No. 34. Hand rake. Time, 48 minutes. Quality of work, 31.
Dodge, Stevenson & Co., No. 12, iron frame. Hand rake. Gavels very well laid. Time, 37 minutes. Work, 32.
Seymour, Morgan & Allen No. 44, with their sweep rake. Gavels very well laid, and all the work was very well done. Time, 62 minutes. Work 38.
C. Wheeler, Jr., Cayuga Chief, L, No. 55. Half the lot as a dropper, and the other half as a hand rake. Time, 59 minutes. Work, 32.
D. M. Osborne & Co., No. 37, with Burdick rake. There was a very bad, rocky place at the end of this lot which he cut over very well with the wind against him. Time, 68 1/2 minutes. Work, 34.
Aultman, Miller & Co., Buckeye, senior, No. 41. Self rake. The gavels crossed and dragged. Time, 50 1/2 minutes. Work, 30.
Wm. H. Halladay, No. 47, with Marsh's rake. Machine left-handed. There was some lodged wheat in the lot which he cut very closely, and the gavels were in general very well laid, but occasionally he would make a very bad one, this want of uniformity reduced his mark. Time, 54 minutes. Mark for quality of work, 37.
C. Wheeler, Jr., Cayuga Chief, H. No. 35. Hand rake. There was a fast rock in his swath 18. inches high. The driver, without any deviation from his line, drove over it, dropping the whole height perpendicularly, demonstrating at the same time his own skill as a driver and the great strength of the machine. Although much of the ground was stony, the work was the best done by any of the Cayuga Chiefs. Time, 53 minutes. Work, 36.
E. F. Herrington, No. 29, hand rake. The cutting was very fine, but the gavels were not well laid. Time not noted.
Dodge, Stevenson & Co. Wood frame, No. 52, Marsh's rake. Gavels laid square and handsome without scattering. Time, 60 minutes. Work, 37.
Seymour, Morgan & Allen, No. 27 1/2, self-rake. Time, 51 minutes. Work, 39.
The average time of all the machines, in cutting an acre, was 53 minutes.
The longest time was made by D. M. Osborne. The shortest time made by any hand rake was D. M. Osborne. The shortest made by a self-rake, was by Walter A. Wood.
The average of the marks for quality of work in reaping, is 34.3.
Quality of Work. Cayuga Chief, H. entry No. 35 30 D. M. Osborne, Burdick rake, entry No. 48 32 D. M. Osborne, sweep rake, entry No. 2. 33 Seymour & Morgan, entry No. 44 38 Cayuga Chief, entry No. 54 32 Dodge, Stevenson & Co., Marsh rake, entry No. 52 32 Williams, Wallace & Co., Johnson rake, entry No. 43 36 Buckeye, jr., dropper, entry No. 32. 30 W. A. Wood, hand rake, entry No. 30 32 Dodge, Stevenson & Co., Marsh rake, entry No. 53 34 Columbian revolving rake, entry No. 51 30 Walter A. Wood, sweep rake, entry No. 40 34 C. C. Bradley & Son, Johnson rake, entry No. 22 37 Walter A. Wood, chain rake, entry No. 23 33 Cayuga Chief, (T. entry No. 34 35 Cayuga Chief, L, entry No. 55 31 Wm. H. Halladay, entry No. 47 40 Dodge, Stevenson &; Co, entry No. 52 35 Eagle combined hand rake, entry No. 29 35 Brinckerhoff, entry No. 21 31
Quality of work C. Brinckorhoff, No. 21 31 C. C. Bradley & Son, No. 22 37 Seymour, Morgan & Allen, No. 27 1/2 40 Aultman & Miller, Buckeye, jr., dropper, No. 32 35 Wm. H. Halladay, No. 47 38 Dodge, Stevenson & Co., No. 53 29 Cayuga, L, dropper, No. 55 34
On the same day, after the rye was cut, the machines were tried in the barley lot, which was on rolling ground, the barley varying very greatly in the length of the straw, some of it being not more than 18 inches high, while in some parts it was 4 feet long. The following table shows the record of the machines:
Quality of work. Brinckerhoff, No. 21 35 C. C. Bradley & Son, No. 22 39 Seymour, Morgan & Allen, No. 27 1/2 40 Aultman & Miller, No. 32 36 Wm. H. Halladay, No. 47 38 Valley Chief, No. 47 1/2 36 Dodge, Stevenson & Co., No. 53 37 Cayuga Chief, L, No. 55 34
Three machines seem to claim special consideration with regard to award of premiums, each having received the mark of 40, indicating perfect work. These machines were Buckeye, entry No. 10; Rhode Island Clipper, entry No. 18; and Wood's Mower, entry No. 8. Of these, the stubble of the two first were slightly the shortest, but the cutting in other respects was about the same, and was all that could be desired. The Buckeye, however, is the only one which received the perfect number (40) in both fields. We are constrained then by these facts to give the preference to the Buckeye for quality of work, so also as to ease of draft, side-draft, and durability. As to simplicity, the Committee were unable to discover much difference, though they gave to the Buckeye the preference as to portability and general ease of management. In view of these superiorities the Committee awarded the premium of the gold Medal in the first class to Adrience, Platt & Co., for their Buckeye Mower, entry No. 10.
Class 2. -- Hand-Rakes.
But two entries in this class, Osborne & Co's, No. 19, and C. Wheeler, jr. No. 20. D. M. Osborne & Co., entry No. 19 having the most good points, the gold Medal was awarded to them.
Class 2 1/2. - Self-Raker.
Five competitors here. Medal awarded to Seymour, Morgan & Allen, New York, entry No. 27 1/2. The committee, however, strongly recommend C. C. Bradley & Son, entry No. 22.Class 3.-Combined Mower and Reaper, Hand-Rakes.
The claims in this class rested between Cayuga Chief, H. entry No. 35, Eagle No. 29, and W. A. Wood, entry No. 30; all of them had special advantages. The medal was awarded, however, to W. A. Wood, entry No. 30.
Class 4. - Combined Reaper with self-raking or dropping attachments.
Ten competitors in this class. Medal awarded to Williams, Wallace & Co., entry 42.
Class 5. - Combined Reaper, Self and Hand Rakes.
As desired. No award.
Class 6. - One Horse Mower.
Award to R. L. Allen, Medal, entry No. 57.
Class 1.- B. J. Clipper, entry No. 18, as coming so near to first premium.Class 2.- C. Wheeler, jr., entry No. 20, G.
Class 2 1/2. - C. C. Bradley & Son, entry No. 2.
Class 3. - E. F. Herrington, entry Not 29.
Class 4. - Seymour, Morgan & Allen.
Class 5. - No second premium.
Class 6. - D. M. Osborne one-horse mower, entry No. 56.
Class 13. - Horse-Rake. First premium to Wanzer & Cromwell, Chicago, Ill. Sulky Horse Rake.
Second premium, A. B. Sprout, Muncy, Pa, Steel-tooth horse rake.
Special recommendation, H. N. Tracy, Burlington, Vt., and P. S. Carver, Honeoye Falls, N. Y., for improvements in Revolving rake, with and without Sulky attachment.
Class 15. - Horse-Power Hay-Fork.
Six entries. Gold Medal to J. L. Mansfield & Co., Clockville, for Gladding's long-handled self-sustaining; weight, 24 lbs. Price, $11.00 and capable of pitching 2000 lbs. of hay in 13 pitches in 3 minutes.Second premium to Chapman, Hauley & Co.
Utica, N. Y., for Raymond's Hay-Fork; weight 22 lbs. Price, $20; pitches 2720 lbs. in 13 pitches in 5 minutes; can be used for barley and oats also.
Special recommendation to A. B. Sprout, Muncy, Pa., for Hay-Fork and Knife.
* For full details of this trial of Implements, we would call attention to the valuable report of John Stanton Gould Esq., President N. Y. State Agricultural Society, and Chairman Committee of Judges, from whose report this article is condensed. After using all Mowers, Reapers, and the like, the journals should be carefully wiped, all dust removed, the machine placed under cover in a level position where no part is subjected to a strain.