Contents About this site Download the Cyclopedia Awards Links Index B Babbit's Metal Bacon Baden Water Balling in Horses Balloons Balsam, Godbold's of Honey Riga Tolu Bareges Water Barley BAROMETERS, to Construct to Read Basilicon, Ointment Bath Metal Bathing Batteries, Electrical Bavarian Beer Bead for Liquors Beans, to Cultivate String Bee Flowers, to Cultivate BEEF, a la Mode to Choose and Pork, to Salt Braized Collops Corned Dried on Daube Essence Hashed Potted Qualities of Salt and Cabbage Sanders Sportsman's Steak Tea Tongue BEER, Amber or Two-penny, to Brew to Bottle Cheap, 2 Dead, to Enliven Flat, to Recover from Pea-shells, to Brew from Sugar Frosted, to Restore Foxing, to Cure, etc. Ginger Lager Molasses, to make Musty, to Restore on Mr. Cobbett's Plan Poultice Required Time for Keeping Root Sarsaparilla Spruce Stale or Sour, to Restore Table, to Brew from Pale Malt to Fine to Fine and Preserve a Cask of to give a Rich Flavor to to Prevent becoming Stale and Flat White to determine Quantity of Alcohol in BEES, Who should keep Hives Italian Swarming Pasturage Bees, Wintering Feeding Italian Queens Beet Brandy Sugar Bell Metal Belly, Wounds of Benzoin, Tincture of Bergamot, Essence of Water Bibron's Antidote for Snake-bites Biennials Bilious Fever Birch Oil Bird-lime Birds, Canary Useful to Farmers Biscuit, Albert Fancy Naples Savoy Sponge Sugar Bismuth Ores, to Assay Bites and Stings of Noxious Animals Blacking Blackberry Brandy, 2 Cordial Culture of Extract Mush Syrup Wine Black Drop Bladder, Inflamed in the Horse Stone in Blanc Mange BLEACHING AND SCOURING Bleeding, after Extraction of Teeth Directions for from the Nose from Wounds in the Horse Blight in Fruit Trees in Wheat Blind, to Write for the Blistering in the Horse Blood, as Food Spitting of Vomiting of Blotched Face Blubber as Manure Blue, Prussian Saxon or Chemic Thenard's Ultramarine Board Measure Boat, Upsetting of Boerhaave's Rules for Health Bog Spavin Bone, to Stain BOILERS, INCRUSTATIONS IN, TO PREVENT Boils Bologna Sausage Vials Bonbons BOOK-KEEPING Books, Covers, to Marble Edges of, to Sprinkle to Gild Printed, to Bleach Boots, to Clean Water-proof Bots Bottle Stoppers Bougies, to Pass Bouillien Matelote Bouquet de Caroline Essence of Esterhazy Bowels, Inflammation of in the Horse Boxes, Capacity of Brain, Compression of Concussion of Inflammation of Bran Bread Brandy, Apple Blackberry British Cherry Imitation Peach Peaches to Preserve Fruits in from Root Beer Brass and Copper, to Tin Rapidly Ornaments, to Preserve to Polish Brazil Paper Bread, Adulteruted, to detect Qualities of Bread, Scotch to make Breasts, Inflamed Breeches Ball Brew, to, Ale in Small Families Amber Beer Beer and Ale from Pea-Shells Brown Stout Burton, Edinburgh, Essex, and Nottingham Ale Lager London Ale Molasses Beer Porter on the London Plan Root Beer Spruce Beer Table Bear from Pale Malt from Sugar and treacle White Beer Brew-House, to fit up a Small BREWING to choose Water for to cool Worts in Utensils, to preserve Brine, to Utilize Bristles, to Dye Britannia Metal British Gum Broiling Bronze Aluminium Gun Barrels, to Plaster Figures Broth, Chicken Jelly Liebig's Mutton Scotch Brown Stout, to Brew Brushes in one piece Hair, to Clean Bubo Buckwheat Cakes Budding Bugs, to Prevent, etc. Bulbous Roots, to hasten Buns, Common Cross Burgundy Pitch Plaster Burnett's Antiseptic Fluid Burnishing, to Gild by Burns and Scalds Butter, to Cure to Remove Turnip Flavor from Drawn Dumbarton Mode Maitre d'Hotel Nuns' to make Buttons, New Material for Butyric Acid Ether Go to chapter: Contents Agriculture Horticulture Rural and Domestic Economy Farriery Medicine Culinary Arts Carving Qualities of Food Brewing Distillation Perfumery Bleaching and Scouring Dyeing Paints and Colors Varnishes Cements Inks Metallurgy Pyrotechny Tanning Enamelling Pottery Glass Photography Engraving Weights & Measures Chemical Reciepts Weather Prognostics Angling Miscellaneous Agricultural Field Trials Index Q W E R T Y U I O P A S D F G H J K L Z X C V B N M